UsIng my handspun

Check out that toe! đź’–

One down and one to go! I am officially hooked on handspinning! 🧵 And, more importantly, USING my handspun! This project isn’t perfect- if you’ve kept up with my journal, you will know I had a major mishap in finishing this yarn- a rookie mistake. But, I think it turned out okay.

As you can see, the yarn evened out nicely by the time I reached the foot of the sock, and I am very happy with it now. The leg had me worried, and maybe I should have thrown that bit away; but I used it, and it evened out enough in blocking. Overall, I’m so happy I persevered.

I’m feeling the urge to start taking my spinning more seriously. For my next spin I’m planning to sample and create a control card. This should help me to be more consistent throughout the project.

I’m still enjoying my test knit for Tamy Gore’s newest shawl design, Color Symphony. I’m almost done, and will miss knitting on it; but this beautiful weather will soon allow me to wear it! It is such a creative and beautiful design.

The autumnal weather has had me thinking about the Anne of Green Gables books and her Chronicles of Avonlea series. I haven’t read them in years, even though they are some of my favorites. So, I’m beginning with the first volume of the Anne of Green Gables series. I also highly recommend the television series with Megan Fellows and the Road to Avonlea series, if you can get them.

“Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” LM Montgomery

22 The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; 23 they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lam3.22-23

Wishing you a beautiful week! đź’–
