Autumn In the air

Cooler temps meant more time on my porch.

And, much of it has been with my knitting. I’ve finished the body of the shawl I’m test knitting for Tamy Gore, and have moved onto the border. The construction is so interesting yet simple. I love seeing genius in simplicity, and this shawl is just that. Look for the Color Symphony shawl when it is released.

I also started knitting with my handspun. Not gonna lie…the beginning of this had me nervous. If you read of the fiasco I had finishing this yarn, you will understand. There was a lot of twist in the first bit of yarn as I began knitting. I kept hoping it would even out- it did, and I hoped this overly twisted bit would block out- it probably will.

I had a long car ride this weekend to visit one of my adult kids, and managed to turn the heel and some of the foot in the car, and that part looks so good. Maybe I can finish this sock this week, and share the results then.

Visiting one of my grandkitties. 🧡

We had a busy week taking advantage of the cooler temps to get things done outside that it has been too hot to do. I washed the porch walls and windows and put the summer things away. Soon I’ll be changing out the pillow covers, and putting out blankets.

We also visited or were visited by our adult kids. It’s so great when we get to see them! 🧡

I hope you have a lovely week full of autumnal fun, like knitting! 🧡


“…do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31