Slow knitting

The pace this week was more slow but steady in the knitting department.

We had a few cooler days before it warmed back up, and I couldn’t resist enjoying tea on the porch while I made some knitting plans.

I’m taking part in the #fallingleavessockkal2022 on Instagram and wanted to narrow down my choices. I’ve decided to knit my first pair of handspun socks using the fiber you’ve been seeing me spin. It’s pictured here freshly plyed. And, I feel it’s time to add another pair to my husband’s sock drawer. I’m planning a colorwork pair for him.

If you are looking for a pair of Fall-inspired sock patterns, I invite you to check out my shop or my Ravelry store.

I started my test knit for Tamy Gore’s new shawl design, Color Symphony. I am loving this! The edging is so beautiful.

Here is my handspun wound up into a cake. I have a cautionary tale for any new spinners- make absolutely sure the ends of your handspun is tied firmly to the skein ties before you take it to soak and set the twist.

After I plyed this yarn I wound it off the bobbin into a skein, tied my skein and when I removed it from the winder, the ends came loose and rebounded! It was a tight, kinky mess! I didn’t understand what had happened and thought it would smooth out after soaking- it only got worse. It took me an entire evening and the next morning to get it untangled and rewound into a skein. After I soaked and wacked it to set the twist, I hung it to dry with a light weight attached to the bottom to help even out the twist. It isn’t going to be as even as it was before the mishap, but I think I salvaged it.

I somehow injured my left wrist this week, so I’m icing it, keeping it wrapped and taking a lot of knitting breaks. As of this writing, it’s feeling better.

Here’s a cute shot to lift our spirits! As I was trying to photograph my cake of handspun, this fellow thought it great fun to keep grabbing my toes!

When you see lovely photos online that look like they were snapped so easily, remember they were probably taken in challenging conditions, fraught with peril like this!

Have a lovely week, friends! 💖


“…do all to the glory of God. “ 1 Cor. 10:31